Tolkien Seminar HT 2025

the lord of the rings 1954 55

Our Tolkien seminar continues in Hilary Term with another excellent line-up of speakers.

The seminars will take place on Fridays during term time, from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m., in the Rainolds Room at Corpus Christi College. Please ask the porters for directions. No registration is required.

This seminar is part of a series of events organised by the Oxford Tolkien Network to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the publication of The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien in 1954–55.


Week 1: 24 January

Dimitra Fimi (University of Glasgow) 'Tolkien the Mythographer'

Week 2: 31 January  

Kit Richards (University of Birmingham) ‘The Dwarves are a race apart’: Tolkien’s contribution to the specialisation of dwarves in popular fantasy’

Week 3: 7 February

Rebekah Lamb (University of St Andrews) ‘Tolkien's Forms of Detachment’


Week 5: 21 February

Rafael Pascual (University of Granada) ‘Tolkien and old English prosody’

Week 6: 28 February

Patrick Curry (University of Wales Trinity St David) ‘Themes in The Lord of the Rings: A Defence and an Exploration'

Week 7: 7 March

Carl Phelpstead (Cardiff University) ‘'Alight Here for Middle-earth!': Tolkien, Place, and the Past’

Week 8: 14 March

Mareike Huber (University of Freiburg) ‘Languages on the Move: Tolkien's Invented Languages and Their Use in Adaptations’